
We are committed to providing the highest quality decorative glass solutions in the industry.

We Supply Decorative, Screening Glass for Transit Stations and Shelters
A trend in transit shelter design is to feature scenes from the community - either present-day or historical images that are photographically etched into the glass panels that comprise the shelter walls.
Suggested areas for Glass: Bus Stops, Light Rail Stations, Train Stations, Mural Walls, Dividers in waiting areas. Artists find that etched glass is a exciting medium for creating art that has meaningful content and resonates with transit users.
Moon Shadow Glass is revitalizing transit stops across the nation with an innovative glass etching style, and the highest attention to quality and details. With two types of etching - transparent and opaque - customers may choose what is best suited for their transit stop. Transparent etching features visible artwork, allowing drivers to easily see potential passengers, while bypassing empty stations and maintaining tight schedules.
Moon Shadow can supply you with samples to help you make a decision. We can work with you in selecting decorative patterns and designs, or you can supply custom artwork that you originate to make your transit stations unique to your area.
Artwork Deters Vandalism
"For over 10 years, we have been sandblasting artwork into glass bus and light rail shelter panels. Initially, we found this a way to recycle glass and save money by sandblasting over graffiti-laden glass. Soon we recognized that the artwork served as a deterrent to graffiti and began sandblasting all new glass as well. This solution underscores our agency's commitment to keeping on-street amenities attractive and to enhancing our communities with original art."
Mary Priester
TriMet Public Art Manager


Studios and Fabrication -- 37300 Ruben Lane -- Sandy, OR 97055
Mailing Address -- PO Box 242 -- Sandy, OR 97055
eMail -- glasspros@moonshadowglass.com
Ph -- 503.668.6154 Fx -- 503.668.5553 |


Original content © Moon Shadow Glass, Inc