
We are committed to providing the highest quality decorative glass solutions in the industry.

Moon Shadow Glass does signage of all types - from 'donor walls' with individualized contributor nameplates to location plaques - to company logos and tag lines. Moon Shadow can even provide certified ADA Braille Signage.
No other medium makes such a dramatic statement as glass. Permanent, elegant and easy to maintain - glass is the contemporary material for so many signage applications.
Here are a few possibilities for Signage in Glass:
- Company Names and Logos on Entry Door Glass
- Exterior Address and Corporate Identity Signs
- Office Plaques
- ADA/Braille Signage *
- Donor and Dedication Signage
- Decorative Floor Plan
- Warning/Safety Signs
- Decorative Informational Signs
* We fabricate braille signage to ADA/Braille specifications.

Studios and Fabrication -- 37300 Ruben Lane -- Sandy, OR 97055
Mailing Address -- PO Box 242 -- Sandy, OR 97055
eMail -- glasspros@moonshadowglass.com
Ph -- 503.668.6154 Fx -- 503.668.5553 |


Original content © Moon Shadow Glass, Inc